When Watchcat Nemo fixed his eyes on a visitor, that visitor was well-advised to justify being in Watchcat Nemo's assigned sector:
Watchcat Nemo said everything he needed to say with his eyes in December 2015.
When Watchcat Nemo fixed his eyes on a visitor, that visitor was well-advised to justify being in Watchcat Nemo's assigned sector:
Watchcat Nemo said everything he needed to say with his eyes in December 2015.
With backup watchmice and an arsenal of deceptively soft weapons at her disposal, Watchcat Rosie was fully prepared to guard her assigned sector in December 2012:
Despite his generally passive nature, Watchcat Sammy monitored visitors closely:
Watchcat Sammy knew when to follow a visitor up the stairs in January 2008.
Just as a batter doesn't have to swing at every pitch, a watchcat doesn't have to attack the Cat Dancer toy every time. There are times during agility training when it's wise to examine the Cat Dancer first...
...and scrutinize it even more closely when necessary:
Watchcat Collette looked before leaping on December 26, 2024.
Watchcat Lily didn't let Christmas spirit make her guard duty countenance any less stern on December 25, 2024:
Watchcat Collette showed the fighting spirit today that an effective security guard needs:
She was resolute about attacking the Cat Dancer toy during agility training, which made for a productive session.
Watchcat Lily isn't Santa Claus. Nevertheless, visitors to her assigned sector felt compelled to tell her that they'd behaved well over the past year and what they wanted for Christmas:
That's the kind of authority she exuded with her eyes on December 24, 2024.
Not everyone knew that Watchcat Sylvia was an air traffic controller. In fact, she cleared Santa for takeoff in December 2008:
There's the anticipation of capturing a cat toy...
...and the actual capturing:
Both steps were equally satisfying for Watchcat Nemo on December 24, 2010.
It was December 25, 2007, and Watchcat Sammy expected a peaceful and orderly Christmas. He still kept an eye on his assigned sector, however, just to make sure things didn't get out of hand:
It was December 25, 2007, and Watchcat Rosie expected a peaceful and orderly Christmas. She still kept an eye on her assigned sector, however, just to make sure things didn't get out of hand:
Watchcat Lily studied a visitor's movements closely on December 16, 2021 and was prepared to admonish said visitor in a downcast voice if necessary:
No one said Watchcat Collette had to commit fully to being incognito behind the scratching post...
...so she settled for being mostly visible on December 3, 2022.
Visitors weren't offended when Watchcat Sylvia scrutinized them. They knew she was just doing her job and would give them the benefit of the doubt--within reason:
Watchcat Sylvia scanned her assigned sector closely on December 23, 2015.
Watchcats deserve a long Winter's nap just as people do:
Watchcats Rosie and Sammy took their siesta with the approval of Watchcat Headquarters in December 2003.
Granted, the towel is going to be washed soon, but Watchcat Collette is making sure that no one uses it this morning:
I'm not sure that was the most critical assignment Watchcat Headquarters could have given to Watchcat Collette, but I've learned to pick my battles carefully with that venerable institution.
Sometimes, keeping an assigned sector safe is simply a matter of two watchcats looking in different directions:
Watchcat Nemo and Proxy Nemo had this routine down on December 24, 2015.
Watchcat Lily faced a difficult security issue on December 5, 2024. It was so complicated that she asked her minions to brainstorm solutions while she consulted with her backup watchmouse and her own reflection:
Eventually, the brain trust hammered out a solution, and peace reigned in Watchcat Lily's assigned sector once again.
Watchcat Sylvia called first dibs on the coupons in December 2012:
That was fine with me. She was a dedicated watchcat and deserved her fair share of the discounts.
The dining room usually doesn't have heavy foot traffic, which gave Watchcat Sammy a good vantage point for his guard post in December 2008:
Outstretched paws signal that a watchcat is ready to pounce on scofflaws when necessary:
Watchcat Rosie was ready to spring in December 2008. Everyone in her assigned sector appreciated her commitment to keeping them safe.
In December 2010, Watchcat Sylvia played Christmas music in her assigned sector--but only for those with clearance to be there:
Watchcat Nemo trusted that Watchcat Headquarters understood why he admonished a trespasser across the room in December 2016...
...and that no reasonable person could question his judgment:
Watchcat Collette took a minute to smile about the good job she'd done on November 30, 2024:
I commended her for her diligence as a security guard.
The Watchcat Headquarters guest list for tours is an exclusive one. I learned this last night when Watchcat Lily said, "Greetings, summoned ones. My minions and I welcome you to this tour of the Watchcat Headquarters Star Chamber:"
Like humans, watchcats enjoy decompressing from work when they're done for the day. At the end of a shift in December 2003, Watchcats Sammy and Rosie stepped away from their window guard post:
Watchcat Lily saw something concerning in her assigned sector. For a moment on September 14, 2023, she considered getting up from her comfy towel guard post to investigate:
Fortunately, the situation resolved itself.
Even though December 3, 2019 was Watchcat Collette's first day on the job, she gave me a look that said, "Trust me. I know I'm young and new here, but I know how to guard my assigned sector:"
Collette's confidence clicked with me and made me thankful I adopted her five years ago.Watchcat Headquarters expects watchcats to be alert during guard duty, but no mandate says they have to stay right side up at all times:
Watchcat Nemo viewed his assigned sector from a different perspective in March 2017.From the comfy confines of her cat bed, Watchcat Sylvia kept her assigned sector secure in December 2009:
Watchcat Sammy took shoe guard duty with the utmost seriousness in December 2006...
...and so did Watchcat Rosie:
Darkness fell around Watchcat Lily's assigned sector. That didn't stop her, however, from monitoring a suspicious visitor on March 22, 2023:
As her expression indicated, Watchcat Collette was ready for her Purina One Thanksgiving feast this afternoon:
When her feast didn't appear right away, she let out a mighty roar:
She then received her feast, and all was tranquil again.
Watchcat Collette is insistent that way, but I'm thankful for her--and always will be.
Don't think that a watchcat won't use his kick toy as a weapon when necessary. In November 2011, this warning was apparent in Watchcat Nemo's eyes:
By sitting on a comforter that made him look like he had a massive paw, Watchcat Sammy warded off trespassers in November 2008:
Watchcat Rosie didn't let security procedures slide just because it was Christmas Eve:
She invited anyone who thought she'd be lax about enforcing security measures to step into her web--actually, her assigned sector--on December 24, 2006.
Watchcat Sylvia gave the impression she could see into a person's soul in April 2011:
That's one of many reasons she was an effective watchcat and why I miss her, five years after her passing.
Watchcat Collette received an important call from the Watchcat Headquarters hotline in July 2024:
She then looked heavenward for guidance. Fortunately, Watchcat Headquarters thought her decision was sound.In October 2019, Watchcat Lily was nestled snugly in her comforter. She knew that soon, however, she would have to get up and confront a visitor to her assigned sector:
That's just part and parcel of being a watchcat.
Watchcat Nemo trusted that visitors to his assigned sector would behave themselves. In case they didn't, however, he was ready to thwack them with the Tiger Tail Of Justice:
Fortunately, no visitors stepped out of line in December 2009.
Watchcat Rosie could have nodded off in November 2009, but she had an assigned sector to guard:
In keeping with a calico's tough nature, she stayed awake and alert for the duration of her shift.
Nothing says a guard post can't be cozy:
Watchcat Sylvia's comfort with her guard station made her smile in December 2015.