Sunday, December 31, 2017

Surviving 2017, hoping for a calm 2018

Although I wouldn't consider this one of the country's or my best years, I'm thankful to have made it through it.  It wasn't always the best year for Sylvia the cat, either:
November 2017: Wounded tabby Sylvia displays her bandage like a resilient champ.

Nevertheless, I'm very thankful 2017 wasn't any worse than it was.  Here's hoping 2018, however, is better.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Snagging easy extra credit points

During an enrichment class in fourth grade, the teacher asked, "What is oceanography?" as an extra credit quiz question.  I wrote, "the study of the ocean."  Then, considering this was supposed to be a class for gifted students, I elaborated, "the study of the ocean, consisting of aspects that an oceanographer can study."  We hadn't discussed oceanography in class, but I thought, "This is an extra credit question, and the answer is given away so blatantly in the word itself."

For a moment, I wondered if we'd all been told this was a gifted class just to make us feel better.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Wouldn't say that now III

When I was in college, someone in my dorm invited everyone on our floor to a magic show.  Given his affiliation with a campus religious organization, I was suspicious of his motives but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.  My suspicions were confirmed when the magician announced halfway through the show that he wanted to talk about his faith.

He said, "It has always been my policy that those who do not wish to hear this portion of the program should have the opportunity to step out, if they desire."

As some audience members got up to leave, I said under my breath in an ironic stage whisper, "Pagans!"

Although it got a laugh from people sitting nearby, I'm sure I wouldn't say that out loud today--or, well, probably not.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Appeasing the glowing cat eyes

Apparently, when cats receive a gift, the Spirit Of Glowing Cat Eyes appears to make sure the gift is being put to good use.  During one of the spirit's visits, Rosie tried out a new toy, while Sammy looked to see how it was done:

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A linguistic irritant XXV

I have a mild dislike of the term, "task at hand."  Whenever anyone uses that term, I think, "Why not just call it a job or an assignment?  Better yet, don't call it anything.  Just say, 'This needs to be done by (such-and-such a date and/or time.)'"

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Finishing the sentence CXIII

Another one of my unfinished sentences and some responses to it from November 1992:

As William Shakespeare wrote, "What light from yonder window breaks..." Oh, no...It's not Juliet.  It's...

...Underdog. (Chip C.)

...that person I shouldn't have been nice to this Summer--in fact, all four of them. (Jenni S.)

...Xmas.  It's coming.  No, scratch that.  It's here already.  It's not even Thanksgiving yet, and Santa's out at the mall. (Neil S.)

Monday, December 25, 2017

Napping to be alert for Christmas Day

So many wonderful things go with Christmas, it's tempting to want to get almost no sleep, as I did yesterday.  In order to be more alert today, I've been taking a page from the books of these two cats and settling in for a long Winter's nap:

2003: Rosie and Sammy take time to nap during a lull in the Christmas activities.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Making peace with asymmetrical gift wrapping

Given my aversion to geometry, I had to accept long ago that I would never be able to achieve perfect symmetry when wrapping presents.  I proved this again today.  However, I'm banking on the recipients of these gifts being so charmed by the penguin-in-a-scarf-holding-a-candy-cane gift wrap that they'll overlook my lack of precision and questionable placement of Scotch tape.

It is Christmas, after all.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

An odd Christmas treat craving

It sounds odd to say, but I'm craving popcorn-flavored candy canes. They were part of a multi-pack of unconventional candy cane flavors I bought years ago and tasted surprisingly appealing.  I haven't seen a store carry them since then, however.  The fact that they ever existed at all impresses me.  Then again, in this world of narrowcasting, I shouldn't be surprised.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Finishing the sentence CXII

Here's a seasonally appropriate unfinished sentence I wrote and some responses it elicited in December 1992:

This sentiment is seldom expressed in Christmas carols, but it expresses the true meaning of the holiday.  It goes like this...

..."Spend, spend, spend your hard-earned money.  Buy a present for your honey.  Sell the kids to pay your bills.  Sit outside to get your thrills." (Laura W.)

..."Christmas is cool, but not when it's hot.  Snow, dammit!" (Andy R.) 

...Christmas is a nice idea on paper, and as a child, it was nice, but we're not children anymore, nor do we have children yet.  Therefore, Christmas has really no place or purpose to us, the twentynothings. (Lee F.)

...We're supposed to forgive one another and love one another but also respect other people's beliefs and cultures.  All the other Christmas songs are so racially and culturally biased, they often make me sick.  (Try setting THAT to music.) (Anthony T.)

...simply, too much emotional stress.  Thanksgiving is a lot more fun because there's no heavy duty emphasis on buying stuff left and right.  People just get together and relax.  It's a much more natural holiday.  Besides, doesn't it seem absurd that buying things--a car, a Slinky, or a Pez dispenser--makes an economy work, keeps people employed, and is therefore supposed to be good? (Joe W.)

...Everyone bitches about putting up Christmas lights and how they all go out if only one light goes out.  Well, it must be nice to be able to afford Christmas lights in the first place, but oh, well... (Jenni S.)

...Christmas trees are a fire hazard.  You never get enough of what you want.  Stores mark prices up 150%, then put (items) on sale for half off.  College students have a month to rue over the finals they @#^*ed up and how they will change for the next semester. (Sean B.)

...Everyone knows the true meaning of Christmas, but hardly a person, commercial, or show ever mentions it.  It's the whole Christ thing, but I have to even remind myself.  I hate how advertisers use Santa Claus to sell batteries (and such); that's (bad) for kids.  I know I'm the only one taking this question seriously, but I get into all that family stuff; I think that's what makes Christmas.  Let's get rid of all the presents--except for me, of course! (Julie H.)

..."Tttrrreeeeessssss!!!  Treeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss!!!  Trrrreeeeeeeeeess!!!!!" (Dan L.)

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Safe to feed the cats, after all

A follow-up on the poltergeist effect shown in yesterday's post: It wears off after a short time, so it shouldn't cause any harm, after all.
2009: Rosie and Sammy, looking normal again but still waiting for food.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

It's advisable to feed the cats...

...when they turn into poltergeists:
Otherwise, who knows what could happen?  Rosie and Sammy took this extremist path in 2009.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

No one said it was your gift bag...

...Still, it can't hurt to check it out:
Christmas 2009: Rosie, attempting to inspect a bag of gifts.

Monday, December 18, 2017

A cat with her proxy buddy

Christmas 2016: Sylvia settles in with her new cat friend.  The manufacturer calls it Silver, but Sylvia and I think of her cat pal as Proxy Sylvia.  Sometimes, the ideal Christmas gift for a cat is another cat.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

The serious countenance of Judge Rosie

Here is Judge Rosie with two of her gavels in 2012:
Looking judicial always came naturally to her, resulting in flattering images like this one.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

The poignancy of past and present Christmases

It was moving for me to see my cat, Sylvia, view Christmas photos of dearly departed family calico cat Rosie on December 24, 2015:

Here's the photo from 2004 Sylvia was viewing:
Rosie and Sylvia never met, but it was heartwarming to see their paths cross, at least indirectly, for a moment.

Friday, December 15, 2017

A Boxing Day or everyday tradition?

I can't remember...Is it a Christmas, Boxing Day, or everyday tradition for cats to flip the script and expect royal treatment from their guardians?  Actually, I already know the answer--and so do you.

2012: Rosie, receiving a royal brushing.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

The serious countenance of Judge Sammy

Here is Judge Sammy in 2010, with his gavel and law books:
To maintain his reputation as a fair, impartial judge, he consulted case studies and applied them when appropriate.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Christmas: The season of contemplation II

Christmas Eve can be a time of eager anticipation or quiet reflection.  Sammy went with the latter option in 2003:

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Christmas: The season of contemplation

Once you find a comfy place to sit near the Christmas tree, it's a good time to reflect on how much Christmas means to you:
2003: Rosie, seemingly contemplating the wonder of Christmas.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Two necessities of the good life

Life is good--at least part of the time, when you're enjoying the aftertaste of a good meal and someone brushing you to your specifications:

Spring 2014: Sammy enjoying said aftertaste and brushing.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Another approach to guarding gift wrap

While Sammy guarded the entire container of Christmas wrapping paper, his sister, Rosie, guarded the gift wrap on a present-by-present basis:
2003: Inadvertently shining the camera's flash in Rosie's eyes did not deter her from guarding the gift wrap.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Taking in Christmas, in all its splendor

Sometimes, the beauty of Christmas is so overwhelming, it's difficult to process.  Sometimes, closing your eyes and looking away for a moment helps you take it all in.  Rosie illustrated this on December 24, 2005:

Friday, December 8, 2017

Thursday, December 7, 2017

A logical station for a gift inspector

Logically, a cat who takes on the role of gift inspector is also suited for keeping watch over the wrapping paper:
2002: Sammy, the wrapping paper guardian.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Inspecting the Christmas gifts

You never know when there might be a Christmas gift under the tree for you.  Sammy checked out the tags of wrapped presents in December 2004.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Vigilant cats waiting for Santa

December 24, 2003: Sammy and Rosie wait for Santa Claus.  Rosie recited her list of gifts politely but firmly to Santa, so I imagine she got what she wanted.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Judge Sammy on the bench

Spring 2010: When Judge Sammy asked a plaintiff or defendant to approach the bench, he spoke literally.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

No pillow available?

A pair of shoes makes an acceptable substitute, as Sammy illustrated in 2006:

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Preparing for cold Winter nights

Although cats have fur to keep them warm, additional insulation is sometimes necessary:
2005: Sammy, insulating himself in a gold blanket.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Watchcat protocol III

Once again, even if two watchcats are assigned to cover the same general area, they can still monitor different segments of it.  Rosie and Sammy illustrate this again in 2011:
However, when the situation warrants it, it doesn't hurt to have two sets of eyes on the same area:

Thursday, November 30, 2017

A successful postal experiment

As you might have seen in yesterday's post, Sammy arrived in the mail safely.  I had thought sent Sammy, but I was mistaken.  His sister, Rosie, wisely insured Sammy's shipping container.  Here she is, seeing him off in 2004:
I was puzzled that Rosie mailed Sammy to the same house in which they lived and that Sammy agreed to be shipped.  Fortunately, the postal service came through with prompt, accurate delivery.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

When "Handle with care" isn't just an expression

It's always a relief when you open a box and find that the cat you ordered has arrived safely.
July 2004: Thanks to's careful packing, shipping, and handling, Sammy arrived safely.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Watchcat protocol II

Even if two watchcats are assigned to cover the same general area, they can still monitor different segments of it.  Rosie and Sammy demonstrate this in November 2002:

Monday, November 27, 2017

Watchcat protocol

When two watchcats are on duty, it's permissible for one of them to nap--as long as the other watchcat is wide awake.  Sammy and Rosie demonstrated this in 2010:

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Podium positioning

Before giving a lecture, it's wise to make sure the podium is positioned where you'd like it.
October 2010: Sammy inspects the podium before starting his lecture.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Jungle gyms aren't just for humans...

...As Sammy demonstrated in February 2006, cats can use modified versions of them, as well.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Captivating cat photos, either way

Longtime family cats Rosie and Sammy had different attitudes toward the camera.  Even in the midst of flinging a cat toy up in the air or scampering across a room, Rosie would frequently stop abruptly and pose upon hearing the camera lens extend.  An example from 2005:
Sammy, on the other hand, wasn't usually one for posing.  Sometimes, I just happened to take the photo at the right moment.  An example from 2007:
Neither approach disqualified the other, in my view, as they elicited equally compelling photos.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Blurring the lines between holidays

On Thanksgiving in 2005, Rosie wasn't sure what to make of the turkey in the window, nestled amongst the Christmas decorations.

Although the line between holidays has become thinner over time, and Christmas encroaches increasingly on Thanksgiving, one aspect of giving thanks will always endure:
There's never a bad time to show gratitude toward your cat sibling; Rosie and Sammy illustrated this in 2004.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Savoring late November

It's important for a St. Louisan to enjoy this time of year.  Given the unpredictable weather patterns in late November, you never know when a given day will be... of the last true Autumnal days, as Sammy observed in late November 2003... early Winter day with snow, as Sammy witnessed in late November 2004.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Making the most of an even larger space

Naturally, if two cats can share relatively limited space in a chair, they should certainly be able to coexist peacefully on a sofa:
2004: Sammy and Rosie, claiming their respective areas of the sofa.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Making the most of your available space

You might not think a chair this size would accommodate two cats, but this one did:
2002: Rosie and Sammy, apparently comfortable.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Finding the remote you want

Sometimes, the remote you want isn't immediately accessible.  There are times when you just have to reach into a storage box and pull it out with your paws:
Sammy, taking initiative by attempting to pull out the remote he wants.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Riding out a storm

Following up on a previous post, it's advisable, during a storm, to hunker down in a place where you feel safe and be aware of your surroundings.  Sammy and Rosie heeded this advice in October 2012:

Friday, November 17, 2017

It's possible to relax...

...and keep an eye on the world from your rocking chair at the same time.
October 2002: Sammy, not letting the constraints of a rocking chair keep him from his watchcat duties.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

When your fur needs a touch-up,...'s convenient having a considerate sibling cat nearby:
2011: Rosie licking Sammy.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

An easy move for a cat

When they're moving from one residence to another, cats don't have the burden that humans have of carrying empty boxes.  This explains Sammy's nonchalance during a move in 2006:

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A Thanksgiving siesta

After a hearty Thanksgiving dinner, it's advisable to rest until you digest your food fully.  Rosie and Sammy heeded this advice in 2005.