Sometimes, both watchcats on duty will be scheduled for nap breaks at the same time. When this happens, be ready to step in as a watchhuman until their breaks end:
2000: Watchcats Rusty and Simon take a Watchcat Headquarters-authorized rest.
Watchcat Rusty passed away 20 years ago today. During his 17 years of exemplary service, he performed his watchcat duties without complaint. Typically, he displayed an easy-going nature and was never at a loss for words. His signature "Meh!" meant many different things, depending on its tone. If you asked, and even if you didn't, he would lick your toes and hands; often, he'd attempt to bite the knuckles out of a person's hands, apparently likening them to lumps in his fur. He also had an ear for music, producing sung meows during rests when I played the bass.
Many family watchcats have served admirably since his time with us, but Watchcat Rusty set the template, starting in 1983. His friendly, outgoing personality served him well as a watchcat and a housecat, and I thank him for setting such a positive tone.