Sunday, July 2, 2017

Finishing the sentence LXIV

Here's an unfinished sentence I wrote and its responses from October 1991:

You'd think it's a task easily completed, but it's not.  The task is...

...enjoying life. (Kevin K.)

...making biscuits in the oven and not forgetting about them. (Laurie S.)

...taking a four-year-old in the car on a few errands. (Charlotte O.) with your three best friends.  You find out a lot you didn't know before and after you live with them. (Kelly S.)

...conforming to a society where I would rather be listening to music and painting a world of my own. (Veronica D.)

...making it all the way through "The Accidental Tourist" without becoming narcoleptic. (Miranda G.)

...becoming the white embodiment of funk and soul. (Jonathan L.)