Thursday, May 11, 2017

Finishing the sentence XXXVIII

An unfinished sentence I wrote and its responses from September 1988:

When everything seems frivolous and meaningless, the victim should overcome the feeling by closing his or her eyes and...

...turning up your favorite music really loud and losing yourself in it. (Robyn R.)

...focus on his/her favorite hobby and get to be one of the best in the field. (Rachel P.)

...taking long, controlled breaths, thus cleansing the mind and returning to the source of life. (Jason F.)

...think that, unlike an immortal, you don't have to endure it for eternity. (Chris A.)

...think that you'll be different--the only one with his/her eyes open. (Eric P.)

...(doing) nothing.  I do think everything is frivolous and meaningless. (John O.)