Although I've posted a lot of unfinished sentences I've written, there are a few I've held off on posting. Either I asked very few people to respond to them, or one answer towered over the others I received. Here are three such examples:
From 1989: The most annoying example of overblown media hype is...
...(when) Voyager reports, "We've discovered...a rock! The ramifications of it all!" (Steve F.)
From 1993: You know the comedian's act will elicit a collective groan of indifference when...
...he insults everyone's mothers. (But how likely is that to happen?) (Liz F.)
From 1993: An unintentionally humorous public service announcement would read as follows...
..."Some people spread the Good News. Others just spread." (Per Tava, "I saw this on a board in 1990 outside a country church.") (Tava S.)